The iPhone Software

..Hello There!

My name is Philip, a New York computer programmer, with many years of experience in the Software industry. I spend most of my time designing programs for business, but some times, I spend my time creating cool tools for the lastest devices, and I do that just for fun. And, TODAY I am bringing you my latest TOY-creation, the program that will "literally" transform any Pocket Computer device into an iPhone, and all in just matter of 5 Minutes!

But, creating this program wasn't easy, it took me days and nights, real long hours of hard work, but many friends, and a few hundreds of Internet fans, and the "the iPhone itself" kept me motivated to keep programming. And, after a few frustrations, and many dozens and dozens (nonstop) of cans of soda, I FINALLY GOT IT!!! (..And, it's here for you!)

Firstly, let me tell you that this iPhone Software works the same way, EXACTLY THE SAME WAY the famous iPhone works, including the way how the screen is locked. This special feature will allow you to put your device in your backpack, or pants pocket and don't let it to turn on, and/or to trigger unwanted actions! ..Nice, isn't it?

Also, this iPhone Software is 100% customizable! That means, that you will be able to take total control of it. From icons, clocks, and backgrounds to system functions. Example: With the touch of your finger or stylus, you will be able to launch commonly used programs, basically "any program that you assign it to load". From the calculator, calendar, and camera, to the Internet browser. This program is so nice and easy to use, that you can set it as your default operating program, or simply as an extra tool, that's up to you!

How much does this program cost? ..NOTHING!!! I'm doing this just for pure fun, simply to demonstrate my computer abilities, and probably get some recognition and notoriety on the Internet, that's it!

But, now, if are generous, and want to send me a tip to recognize my hard work, then that will be great, that will be welcome, and to demonstrate my gratitude, I will immediately send you the program with my latest updates, with "iPhone-style" gadgets for your Pocket device! With 2D weather interfaces, YouTube player, and much more! And a tip of $5 dollars will do the job, that will be more than enough for me to buy a few sodas and keep programming, keep busy improving this Program-TOY!!

"After all"...

Tell me, why you want to pay $500 - $600 Dollars when your current device can do "almost" Exactly The Same Thing! ..If, you don't believe me, then watch my videos again, and just wait for my program, You Will Be Amazed!

To receive this HOT program, just send me an Email to the address below. Thank you for your time, Have a Nice Day! . Philip.